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Scientistssucceeded in turning light into liquid,
2019-01-12 16:57:07

Scientistssucceeded in turning light into liquid, and the fifth state of the universe wasconfirmed for the first time.

Lin Yu said anime2018-12-22

Can light become aliquid? This is not a brainstorm. In the last century, Einstein predicted thatlight can exist in the fifth state, Bose-Einstein condensate. This state meansthat atoms of different states can condense into one state, just as atoms ofdifferent substances are unified into a chorus state under different states.However, it is extremely difficult to achieve the fifth state of matter,usually at minus 273 degrees Celsius.


In the experiment,the researchers sliced an organic molecule after 130 nm andplaced it between two lenses with extremely high reflectivity. They were shapedlike a sandwich, and the team then bombarded the sandwich structure with alaser pulse of 35 femtoseconds. Thus drove the photons between the structuresand blasted back and forth. During the ejection of photons, organic moleculesare also rapidly interlaced back and forth. This rapid interlacing produces aninstantaneous state of both light and matter, which causes the light to becomeliquid light. To put it another way, photons and electrons in organic moleculescombine to form a fifth-state liquid light.



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